Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Lebanon County Association of Realtors®. With over 250 Realtor members in the Lebanon area, we take pride in our community, civic and professional achievements.
Affiliate membership is open to any individual who does not have an active real estate license but whose business provides services, supplies or is interested in the real estate industry. As an Industry Partner, you may also wish to lend your special talents and skills to an LCAR committee.
- Company Information on our website
- Industry Partner event in October
- Printed Industry Partner Guide provided to all new members
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Education Seminars
- Much more!
The process begins with the completion of the proper membership application below. Forward the completed application to the LCAR office at 989 Quentin Rd., Suite 2, Lebanon, PA 17042 or to
The company pays a one-time application fee of $100 and designates one individual to be the primary contact. Other individuals from the same company may join at a reduced rate. If a company is a branch office of a company already active with LCAR, then the company will not have to pay another application fee.
- $250 for the first primary individual member of a new company
- $50 for each subsequent (secondary) member