The LCAR office is available at no charge for Realtor® and Industry Partner Members who wish to use the space to present to other LCAR members. The office is not available to members of the public.


  1. The office may not be used for recruiting purposed at any time. Recruitment is defined broadly to include any solicitation by word, oral or written, and by whatever means communicated including video, recorded speech and display of whatever nature and regardless of whether such recruitment activity is targeted towards existing licensees or potential future licensees. 
  2. Use of the office cannot violate anti-trust policies and may not be used for issues that could result in negative media publicity resulting in harm to LCAR’s reputation.
  3. All rentals are subject to leaving the room as found. This includes all minimal clean-up of paper and materials; wiping off tables, if necessary; returning any moved furniture to its original location; etc. If food or beverage is brought in this must be cleaned up and “leftovers” removed.
  4. If rental involves hours outside usual Association operating hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Monday – Friday), arrangements may be made to sign-out a key. A temporary security code will be issued. 

The board room can accommodate up to 12 people classroom style. If using the space afterhours, the whole office may be used. Larger space may be available depending on the availability of the Chamber.

Please contact exec@wearelcar.com to make arrangements.

Scheduling priority is given to LCAR and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. LCAR reserves the right to decline the reservation request of any member/group for any reason at the Association’s sole discretion.

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